Sapphire Hair Transplantation: Natural and High Precision Solution

Sapphire Hair Transplantation is a high-precision hair transplantation method preferred for those who want to solve the problem of hair loss. As Silmar Estetica, we offer our patients natural hairline and permanent results with this modern and effective method.

Sapphire Hair Transplantation Technique

Sapphire FUE is performed using specially produced sapphire-tipped microsurgical instruments. These tools enable more precise incisions and support achieving natural and aesthetic results.

Sapphire Hair Transplant Procedure

Making Incisions: Hair follicles taken from the donor area with sapphire-tipped tools are removed more precisely and leaving minimal scars.

Transplantation Procedure: Hair follicles are transplanted one by one to bald or sparse areas through incisions made with sapphire-tipped tools.

Pre and Post Treatment Process

Before Treatment: Our experts evaluate the hair structure of the patients and determine the most appropriate treatment plan.

After Treatment: The healing process may vary from person to person. Normal activities can usually be resumed within a few days.

Expectations and Concerns

Natural and Dense Hair Appearance: Sapphire Hair Transplantation provides a natural and dense hair appearance.
Fast Healing: Precise incisions and modern techniques can speed up the healing process.

Sapphire Hair Transplantation is an effective option for those looking for delicate and natural results. You can contact our experts for more information and individual evaluation.

Any questions you may have here.

Sapphire Hair Transplantation is performed using specially designed sapphire-tipped microsurgical instruments. These tools allow making incisions that are more precise and will leave minimal scars.

It can often take several months for new hair to grow. However, the healing process and personal factors may affect the results.

Many people who experience hair loss and are looking for more natural results may be suitable candidates for Sapphire Hair Transplantation.

Sapphire Hair Transplantation tends to leave minimal scars as it is performed with precise incisions. With the healing process, scars usually become invisible.